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WARNING – Telephone calls misusing the details of BCP Law Firm
19 March 2021
Unfortunately, earlier this week we became aware that the telephone number for BCP Law Firm had been misused by a person or persons unknown. A number of people, who were not clients of the firm, received missed calls from the firm’s London switchboard. Upon calling back, they were connected directly to the firm’s London office.
BCP Law Firm took immediate action by disconnecting the telephone number used and replacing it with a new number, in addition to carrying out all necessary investigations into the matter.
Please be reassured that the issue simply related to the telephone number of the firm and that no client details were at risk at any time.
The new contact number for the London office has been updated on our website and which is 020 7936 9668.
The Senior Partner of BCP Law Firm, Oscar Abeti, confirms that neither the firm, nor any of its representatives, have any connection to the missed calls.
Unfortunately, scams such as these, including fraud and cybercrime in general are on the increase and legal firms and professionals are more frequently targeted.
If you are in any doubt, please contact the firm directly to address any concerns.
BCP Law Firm will never email you to amend our bank details. Should you receive and email which looks to be from the firm, and which indicates that our bank details have changed, you are advised to contact the lawyer dealing with your matter directly to confirm the validity of the correspondence.
BCP Law firm accept no liability for any losses caused by fraudulent persons purporting to be from this firm or any of its partners or members of staff.
Please contact us at if you have any queries or concerns and we will investigate any issues further.
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